Sunday, July 18, 2010

Some Further Musings on "You Can Do Nothing Without Me"

Christ in me is the mystery revealed. Christ is my promised land. Through faith infused in me by my inner teacher I finally, after all those years in the wilderness, reached the same conclusion as Caleb: “Let us go up at once and occupy it, for we are well able to overcome it” (Num 13:30). In my understanding this “we” pertains to the union with God.

Together we have conquered the people who dwell in the land. In a joint operation we have devastated the fortified cities. By enduring fierce battles my consciousness by and by has come to terms with the overwhelming truth; He lives His abundant life in me as me. After all these years I now see clearly how I have been Christ in my form ever since I was regenerated.

Sustained by the tree of life I am a safe self. What a relief to discover that I can trust myself. God is my keeper. I am His responsibility. When I now have abandoned the illusion that I am an independent self I have consciously thrown my entire being into His arms. I trust my reactions, my feelings, my emotions and my doings as an expression of His self-for-others-love. I am not sure how this works, but I am liberated from judging by appearances and thus trust that He is the one who works in me both to will and to work, for his good pleasure in whatever form that might be expressed through me.

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