There Gideon was beating out wheat in the wine press terrified by the Midian oppressors when God spoke His word of faith over him: “The Lord is with you, O mighty man of valour.” As most of us Gideon was fixed on circumstances and appearances, and found it quite impossible to reconcile what he so clearly saw in the temporal realm with what God saw in the spiritual dimension. Gideon thus echoed a common theme in his reply: “My clan is the weakest one, and I am the least of them all.”
God calls into existence the things that do not exist. In Gideon’s case God didn’t appreciate the lie about Gideon which Gideon held fast to in the midst of his travails. From his viewpoint Gideon couldn’t see any further than the lie. When God has spoken His truth about a person or a situation His truth will come to pass despite every circumstance. So, Gideon became ultimately in the natural what God already saw in faith.
As new creations we are faith people. God’s intention with every one of us is to transform our entire outlook so that we can behold everything through faith. It is by faith that His love and generosity become manifest to us. It is by faith we understand that His desires are our desires. It is by faith we with firm boldness can speak to things which do not exist as they exist, because they do in the eternal realm. We might perhaps not see it come to pass in our lifetime, but ultimately it will become a reality.
We all experience situations which seem to overwhelm us, which we have no clue how to handle with our limited human means. We often encounter this devastating sensation of being nothing. In the natural we see our heritage, our humanity, the city we are from and our family line. We hear the mocking voice in our head asserting all the lies about our person which are so easy to believe, because the natural seemingly confirms his accusations. Then God speaks His truth unto us, and everything is turned upside down. And He persistently pursues His truth until it is established as a fact in our minds.
Twelve years ago I sat in church feeling as a complete failure as a father. Then this voice interrupted my outpouring and plainly stated which such an authority that my world was turned completely around: “To your children you are the best dad in the world.”
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